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Gloves are the perfect accessory for those colder months proving a great partner for your coats and jackets. McDonald New Zealand have meticulously crafted these gloves with fashion & warmth in mind. Perfect for all occasions & made entirely of natural fibres consisting of; POSSUM FUR, MERINO... Read More
Gloves are the perfect accessory for those colder months proving a great partner for your coats and jackets. McDonald New Zealand have meticulously crafted these gloves with fashion & warmth in mind. Perfect for all occasions & made entirely of natural fibres consisting of; POSSUM FUR, MERINO WOOL & MULBERRY SILK
Possum Gloves Suppliers in Australia
For a wide variety of possum woollen gloves, look no further than the collection at Sweaters Australia. Not only do gloves help to keep your fingers and hands warm during the cooler periods, they can help protect your fingers and hands during certain activities. Whether the gloves are worn as a fashion statement, to stay warm or to keep your fingers and hands safe, our Possum Gloves and Possum Merino Gloves are tailored with a blend of fine natural fabrics that have been hand crafted to deliver exceptional warmth and comfort.
Searching for gloves should not be a difficult exercise, and we make it simple for you to find the right style of gloves to suit your preferences. Available in a wide range of colours, styles and textures, all of our gloves are crafted using soft fabrics that minimise irritation during use. We source our gloves from leading tailors who have meticulously crafted these gloves with fashion and warmth in mind. Made entirely of natural fibres including, Possum Fur, Merino Wool and Mulberry Silk, these gloves offer endless relief when there is a chill or a breeze in the air.
Possum Merino Gloves Australia for Sale Online
Gloves are the perfect accessory for those colder months proving a great partner for your coats and jackets. We stock matching beanies, scarves and other accessories to help you complete the look without being a distraction! We stock Possum Fur Full Finger Gloves, Possum Fur Fingerless Gloves, Possum Merino Wave Trim Gloves, Possum Merino Fur Trim Gloves, Possum Merino Tartan Gloves, and Possum Merino Open Finger Cable Gloves. This extensive range will certainly keep you spoiled for choice so remember to take your time to make the right decision. And, who says you cannot own more than one pair of cosy and warm gloves?
Our gloves are available for sale online with express delivery options available. Whether you reside locally or internationally, we can ship anywhere throughout the world. Our online shop has full-colour photos and complete descriptions of each product to help you make an informed decision. If you need further clarification or guidance, or would like to have a discussion about what to pair the gloves with, feel free to contact us on 1800 73 22 71.
Buy Australian Made Gloves Online Today!
Our gloves provide gentle comfort, yet remain durable and practical. With functionality in mind, you will settle on a soft pair of gloves that will provide benefits in addition to keeping your fingers and hands warm. To avoid bearing the cold, ensure that you have enough pairs of gloves for every occasion. This will help you to maintain the lifespan of your gloves collection because you will not be using the same pair every day. Whether you will use the gloves on the way to work, on the weekend or at home, our gloves will look the part during any occasion.
Once you have purchased your gloves, ensure that you maintain the pair appropriately in accordance with the tailor’s instructions and guidelines to enhance the longevity of the garment. Avoid inappropriate use, wash in cold water with special grade detergent, dry in a shaded area and store carefully in a dry and temperature-stable environment. Gloves do have a long life span so remember to take care with them. If you need further information about caring for your gloves, please do not hesitate to contact us for helpful insights and tips.
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Bark Possum Merino and Silk Full Finger Gloves SaleADD TO BAGBark Possum Merino and Silk Full Finger Gloves$35.00$35.00$50.00Unit price / perBerry Possum Merino and Silk Full Finger Gloves SaleADD TO BAGBerry Possum Merino and Silk Full Finger Gloves$35.00$35.00$50.00Unit price / perBlack Possum Merino and Silk Full Finger Gloves SaleADD TO BAGBlack Possum Merino and Silk Full Finger Gloves$35.00$35.00$50.00Unit price / perCharcoal Possum Merino and Silk Full Finger Gloves SaleADD TO BAGCharcoal Possum Merino and Silk Full Finger Gloves$35.00$35.00$50.00Unit price / perForest Green Possum Merino and Silk Full Finger Gloves SaleADD TO BAGForest Green Possum Merino and Silk Full Finger Gloves$35.00$35.00$50.00Unit price / perHeather Possum Merino and Silk Full Finger Gloves SaleADD TO BAGHeather Possum Merino and Silk Full Finger Gloves$35.00$35.00$50.00Unit price / perMocha Possum Merino and Silk Full Finger Gloves SaleADD TO BAGMocha Possum Merino and Silk Full Finger Gloves$35.00$35.00$50.00Unit price / perNavy Blue Possum Merino and Silk Full Finger Gloves SaleADD TO BAGNavy Blue Possum Merino and Silk Full Finger Gloves$35.00$35.00$50.00Unit price / perPewter Possum Merino and Silk Full Finger Gloves SaleADD TO BAGPewter Possum Merino and Silk Full Finger Gloves$35.00$35.00$50.00Unit price / perRed Possum Merino and Silk Full Finger Gloves SaleADD TO BAGRed Possum Merino and Silk Full Finger Gloves$35.00$35.00$50.00Unit price / perBlack Possum Merino and Silk Fingerless Gloves SaleADD TO BAGBlack Possum Merino and Silk Fingerless Gloves$35.00$35.00$50.00Unit price / perCharcoal Possum Merino and Silk Fingerless Gloves SaleADD TO BAGCharcoal Possum Merino and Silk Fingerless Gloves$35.00$35.00$50.00Unit price / perForest Green Possum Merino and Silk Fingerless Gloves SaleADD TO BAGForest Green Possum Merino and Silk Fingerless Gloves$35.00$35.00$50.00Unit price / perMocha Possum Merino and Silk Fingerless Gloves SaleADD TO BAGMocha Possum Merino and Silk Fingerless Gloves$35.00$35.00$50.00Unit price / perNavy Blue Possum Merino and Silk Fingerless Gloves SaleADD TO BAGNavy Blue Possum Merino and Silk Fingerless Gloves$35.00$35.00$50.00Unit price / perPewter Possum Merino and Silk Fingerless Gloves SaleADD TO BAGPewter Possum Merino and Silk Fingerless Gloves$35.00$35.00$50.00Unit price / perRed Possum Merino and Silk Fingerless Gloves SaleADD TO BAGRed Possum Merino and Silk Fingerless Gloves$35.00$35.00$50.00Unit price / perBerry Possum Merino Short Plain Glovelet SaleADD TO BAGBerry Possum Merino Short Plain Glovelet$35.00$35.00$50.00Unit price / perBlack Possum Merino Short Plain Glovelet SaleADD TO BAGBlack Possum Merino Short Plain Glovelet$35.00$35.00$50.00Unit price / perCharcoal Possum Merino Short Plain Glovelet SaleADD TO BAGCharcoal Possum Merino Short Plain Glovelet$35.00$35.00$50.00Unit price / perHeather Possum Merino Short Plain Glovelet SaleADD TO BAGHeather Possum Merino Short Plain Glovelet$35.00$35.00$50.00Unit price / perMocha Possum Merino Short Plain Glovelet SaleADD TO BAGMocha Possum Merino Short Plain Glovelet$35.00$35.00$50.00Unit price / perRed Possum Merino Short Plain Glovelet SaleADD TO BAGRed Possum Merino Short Plain Glovelet$35.00$35.00$50.00Unit price / perBlack Possum Merino Open Finger Cable Gloves SaleADD TO BAGBlack Possum Merino Open Finger Cable Gloves$65.00$65.00$80.00Unit price / perBerry Possum Merino Open Finger Cable Gloves SaleADD TO BAGBerry Possum Merino Open Finger Cable Gloves$65.00$65.00$80.00Unit price / perCharcoal Possum Merino Open Finger Cable Gloves SaleADD TO BAGCharcoal Possum Merino Open Finger Cable Gloves$65.00$65.00$80.00Unit price / perHeather Possum Merino Open Finger Cable Gloves SaleADD TO BAGHeather Possum Merino Open Finger Cable Gloves$65.00$65.00$80.00Unit price / perMint Possum Merino Open Finger Cable Gloves SaleADD TO BAGMint Possum Merino Open Finger Cable Gloves$65.00$65.00$80.00Unit price / perMocha Possum Merino Open Finger Cable Gloves SaleADD TO BAGMocha Possum Merino Open Finger Cable Gloves$65.00$65.00$80.00Unit price / perPewter Possum Merino Open Finger Cable Gloves SaleADD TO BAGPewter Possum Merino Open Finger Cable Gloves$65.00$65.00$80.00Unit price / perRed Possum Merino Open Finger Cable Gloves SaleADD TO BAGRed Possum Merino Open Finger Cable Gloves$65.00$65.00$80.00Unit price / perPoppy Red Possum Merino Tartan Gloves Jade Green Possum Merino Tartan Gloves
FAQs Gloves
What is possum merino gloves?
Honestly, they are the onlygloves you will need for winter! Superbly soft, lightweight and fashionable thepossum merino gloves at Sweaters Australia are simply a winter must have in anypart of the world.
How do you clean possum merino gloves?
The best way to clean possummerino gloves or other accessories is to very gently hand soak in cold to tepidwater with a touch of approved wool detergent for a few minutes. Then gentlyagitate the material by hand to remove any foreign substances. A quick rinseunder clean cold water, then lay the gloves flat to dry in an airy environment.Take care of you possum merino gloves and they will last many years.
How much do quality possum merino gloves cost?
Quality possum merino gloves fromSweaters Australia cost $35 and up, depending on the level of design detail youprefer. Our range offers possum merino open finger cable gloves, possum merinotartan gloves, merino fur trim gloves, fingerless gloves and more. Itworthwhile to buy quality gloves that will last many winter seasons than buyingcheap non-natural gloves.
Are cashmere gloves warmer than possum merino gloves?
No, they are not. Possum merinogloves are 35% warmer than cashmere gloves and better yet, they are finer andmore luxurious to wear. You will get more finger mobility in these super warm,lightweight possum merino gloves than in any other wool blend options.