Mens Woolen Jumpers Guide - Styles Guide to fabric, Fit and Care
When shopping for a mens woolen jumper you can buy sweaters on sale online.
Mens wool jumper can come in different materials and different weights and different fits, consequently, this article is to help explain all the differences with a mens woollen jumper.
The material or “yarn” used in a mens wool jumper can be made of many different types of wool.
In Australia we are spoilt when it comes to wool, we have the best in the world, “merino wool”! Merino is the wool that comes from the merino sheep. It is known to be the softest, warmest and non-pilling. So when people are looking for a sweaters on sale, they love to look for Australian merino wool knitwear mens.
A merino mens woollen jumper can be made from, superfine merino wool, medium weight merino or heavy weight.
The fine weight merino wool knitwear mens is generally a neat fitting mens wool jumper that will look nice with a pair of jeans or under a blazer.
A medium weight merino wool sweater for sale will be slightly wider in the body and the sleeves and will give the person more room to fit a shirt underneath, fit a little more loosely and provide a little more warmth.
Buying a heavy weight woollen jumper mens will mean that the body and sleeves will be wider and the shoulders will be lower. This will enable the person to wear another mens woollen jumper underneath – we often find when selling a heavy sweater for sale online, the customer who buys these are people who spend a lot of time outdoors such as farmers or people who visit building sites or work outdoors and need the extra wind protection.
A fine merino mens woollen jumper will be more attractive looking on a man. When you are looking for a sweater for sale online, you will see that the fine weight knitwear mens is a neater more elegant look.
But when looking for a sweater for sale, many styles will appeal to you and you will see that you will have different use for different mens wool jumper.
You may decide when shopping for sweater for sale online that you want to buy 3 different mens woollen jumper; a fine weight jumper for indoors – the office or a function and also great for spring and autumn days.
A mid-weight mens wool jumper for going to a sports match
And a heavy weight knitwear mens for those freezing cold winter days when you need to take the dog for a walk or the kids to the park….
For that reason, I would suggest at least 3 mens wool jumper when looking for sweater for sale online.
Picking a good mens wool jumper can be difficult if you are not familiar with the brand.
The feel of the sweater for sale should give you a good idea of the quality of the knitwear mens, but I also like to look at the stitching on the neckline, the sleeves and the waste of the mens wool jumper. The threads on the stitching should always be close together meaning that the woolen jumper mens will not fall apart.
If you are confused about how to choose a mens woollen jumper when looking at sweater for sale online, I am always here to help.
When dealing with customers, I always ask their height and weight. I feel it will enable me not only to advise on what size would fit best, but also which style of mens woolen jumper would be the best fit for a person of that build.
When shopping for a sweater for sale online it can be confusing if you are a first time buyer of a mens woollen jumper, please feel free contacting us if you need any questions answered when looking for knitwear mens.